Update the ESIIL Course Syllabus With Your Profile

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re struggling to figure out which version of a file you’re working on? Maybe this was an issue you ran into when working your a thesis or end-of-semster project? This can become particularly complicated when you’re collaborating on a project with other team members. Who’s version is the most up-to-date? Did my revisions get accepeted?


One solution to help manage issues like these is through the use of a version control tool like GitHub.

In this assignment you will:

For this next assignment, you’re going to fork an existing GitHub repository (repo), make changes to your forked repo, and create a Pull Request to add your changes to the original repo. Forking is one approach that allows you to contribute to a project by making changes to a local version of a file, and then sharing those suggested changes with whoever maintains the project you’re working on.

Here you will be adding your profile information (name, photo, email, website) to the course syllabus. To do this you will need to complete the following:

Step 0: Fork the course syllabus repo

Get started by forking the course syllabus repository to your GitHub account

Step 1: Edit the index.md file

In your forked repository

Step 2: Add your changes using a Pull Request